Sustainable Brands
I’ve always had an interest in sustainable brands. The first sales job I had was selling compostable packaging before it was widely used, so selling the idea of sustainability was ingrained in my day to day. That being said, back then I wasn’t “living yoga” so it was easy to take the easy way out and still make unsustainable choices in my day to day.
Once you really start to love yourself it comes naturally to love the earth. The earth is our life source. It is what sustains us and we cannot live without it. In todays current climate people choose to love things more than anything else. In choosing this way of life you can’t really love yourself as you are attached to something that can be lost which creates fear and detachment from your true self, and without knowing your true self how can you truly love yourself..
Once you master self-love, when you watch someone litter it will feel as though that person has spit on you. We are self-centred beings, so once you start seeing the earth as your life force watching someone harm the earth will feel like a personal attack and maybe you can ask them to throw their litter in the bin (with kindness and compassion for them).
Anyways that was a very long winded way to say please take care of our planet. Here’s some brands I’ve started using to be more mindful of my personal waste and impact on the planet - I try to use natural products as much as possible!
Wild shower gel
Reach out in the contact section or on instagram if there are any sustainable products missing that you love so I can try them out 🥰